Nian's Cooking Diary

চিকেন বিরিয়ানি রেসিপি | Bangladeshi Chicken Biryani Recipe | Homemade Ea...

“Chicken Biryani” is very popular and common recipe in our Bengali tradition. Not only in any occasion but also available “Chicken Biryani” like as street food for lunch or dinner. Today I prepare this very common chicken biryani. Hope this video will help for beginners or bachelors or new married couples. Anyone can cook this chicken biryani by following this video. You can follow full description of chicken biryani recipe on YouTube description box or on website. Please share video with your friends and family. Happy cooking and stay safe… 


1.  6 piece chicken
2.  3 cup chinigura rice / chaal
3.  2 cup liquid milk
4.  10-15 green chili
5.  15-20 pieces washed peeled almond nut
6.  1/4th cup ghee
7.  1/3rd cup oil
8.  For grind take ½ tsp shah zira, 2 pieces of mace (Joyotree), 2 black cardamom and ½ portion nutmeg (joyfol)
9.  ½ cup yogurt
10.  Salt depends on taste
11.  2 tbsp garlic paste
12.  4 tbsp ginger paste
13.  1 tsp red chili powder
14.  4 tsp sugar
15.  3 bay leaves, 6 cardamom, 5-6 piece cloves, 5-6 piece cinnamon and 12-15 piece black pepper
16.  2 cup chopped onion
17.  1 tsp keora water
18.  Water added double amount of rice
19.  ½ cup fried onion or piaz bereshta
20.  some raisins
21.  4-5 piece aloo Bukhara


1.  Take 15-20 pieces washed peeled nut. Here I use Almond nut, you can choose any kind of nuts. Also take 7-8 piece green chilis. Take nuts and green chili in a blender jar. We make this a smooth paste. So add some water and close the jar to make finely smooth paste.

2.  Take some dry spices. Here I take only for this biryani ½ tsp shah zira, 2 pieces of mace (Joyotree), 2 black cardamom and ½ portion nutmeg (joyfol). Take all in a spice grinder. Cover jar and grind finely.

3.  Take 6 pieces roast size chicken. Slightly cut from joint of leg piece. Now add ½ cup yogurt, 1 tsp garlic paste, 1 tsp ginger paste, 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp red chili powder with chicken. Mix all properly. Now you can keep this to marinate for half an hour or can cook instantly.

4.  Now heat 2 tbsp ghee and 1/3rd cup oil in a cooking pan. Take some garam masala, like 3 bay leaves, 6 cardamom, 5-6 piece cloves, 5-6 piece cinnamon and 12-15 piece black pepper. Add with oil and fry for few seconds.

5.  Add 2 cup chopped onion. Stir and mix will oil. Fry onion till light golden colour. Add marinated chicken with oil. Stir and mix chicken with onion. Also add rest of marinated masala, 2 tbsp ginger paste, 1 tbsp garlic paste and 1 tsp salt. Mix and flip all chicken. Add some of water and mix chicken.

6.  Now add chili and nut paste, wash jar with some water and add, add grinded spices with chicken. Mix all properly with chicken. Here I keep flame in medium. Now cover pan for 15-20 minutes.

7.  20 minutes later, open the lid. Stir chicken and flip all. Chicken sauté nicely, oil separate from chicken. Now add 1 cup milk. Here I didn’t use water, cook chicken with this milk. Mix all perfectly. Then cover pan in medium flame for 15 minutes. 

8.  15 minutes later open the lid. Stir chicken. Add 2 tsp sugar and 1 tsp keora water. Mix all. Chicken almost sodden properly. If your chicken stay hard in this stage, can add some water and tender chicken. Water soaked from chicken. Take a plate, keep chicken pieces in a plate, also take some grave.

9.  Now take washed and water drained chinigura pulao er chaal. I take 3 cup chaal. You can prepare this biryani with “Bashmati” chaal. Stir rice properly. Add 1 tbsp garlic paste, 1 tbsp ginger paste and 1 tbsp salt. In high flame, stir and mix all nicely for 2-3 minute.

10.  Now add 5 cup hot water, mix water with rice. Also add 1 cup liquid milk. Here I take 3 cup chaal, so liquid add 6 cup. Mix all nicely. In high flame boil, chaal. Add 10-12 piece green chili and 1 tsp sugar. Mix again. Boil 4-5 minute and wait rice water raised in same level.

11.  Almost 5 minutes later, rice is raised in water level. Stir rice. Now cover pan in low flame for 15 minutes.

12.  15 minutes later, open the lid. Stir and flip rice very carefully. Take ½ portion rice in a plate. And another ½  portion place like video in pan. Now place chicken pieces gently, also spread gravy. Spread some “fried onion” or “piaz beresta”. Now Spread rest of pulao rice gently and cover all chicken pieces. In this time keep flame off. Now add 2 tbsp ghee, some raisins, 4-5 piece “aloo Bukhara”, some beresta and 1 tsp lemon juice. Now keep flame in low and keep this pan in “DAM” for 10 minutes.

13.  10 minutes later, open the lid. Stir gently chicken biryani. Nice aroma spread all over. Now serve this delicious chicken biryani and enjoy with family and friends.

Video Editing: Self

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