Nian's Cooking Diary

শীতের সবজি দিয়ে রুই মাছ রান্না | Rui Fish with Winter Vegetables | Healt...

শীতের সবজি দিয়ে রুই মাছ রান্না | Rui Fish with Winter Vegetables | Healthy Recipe

1. 6 piece rohu / rui fish
2. Winter vegetables half cauliflower,  10-12 piece bean cut in half, 2 potatoes and 1 tomato
3. 1 tomatp paste
4. 1/3 rd cup cooking oil
5. 1.5 tsp turmeric powder 
6. 1.5 tsp red chilli powder 
7. Salt 2.5 tsp
8. 2 tbsp onion paste
9.1 tbsp garlic paste 
10.1 tsp coriander powder 
11. Some chopped coriander leaves 
12. 3-4 green chili 
13. 1 tsp roasted cumin powder 
14. 2 cup hot water

Procedure :

1. Take washed rui fish. Add turmeric powder, red chilli powder and some salt. Mix with fish and get ready to fry these fishes.

2. Heat 4 tbsp oil. Add some salt. Adding salt on hot oil, fish will easy to flip. Add fishes and fry both sides till light golden colour. 

3. Now we cook fish with vegetables. Heat 3-4 tbsp oil in a cooking pan. Add onion paste. Stir with oil. Then add garlic paste, turmeric powder,  red chilli powder, coriander powder and salt. Mix all and saute for a minute.

4. Now add a tomato paste. I blend 1 tomato with some water. Firstly add half of this paste, saute till oil are separate from spices. Then add rest of tomato paste. Also add fried fishes. Mix all and cover pan for 4-5 minute.

5. Open lid. Flip fishes mix with spices and cook 2-3 minutes. Now transfer fishes in a plate. Add all vegetables on same spices. Mix properly with spices. Then cover pan for 5-7 minutes in medium to high flame.

6. 7 minutes later, open lid. Stir vegetables. Already vegetables are getting soft. Add 2 cup hot water. Mix gently. This time also add fried and cooked fishes, tomatoes, coriander leaves, green chili and roasted cumin powder. Cover pan and cook this 8-10 minutes. In this time, vegetables and fishes will cook nicely.

7. 10 minutes later, open lid. Rui fish with fresh winter vegetables almost done. Serve and enjoy with rice.

Looking so colourful and definitely healthy recipe. Hope you will enjoy this video and please try at home. And share your experience with me.

শীতের সবজি, রুই মাছ, শীতের সবজি দিয়ে রুই মাছ রান্না, rui mach, rui, shobji, recipe, rui fish, winter vegetables, fish recipe, fish with vegetables, rohu fish recipe, rui fish recipe, how to cook fish, fish with winter vegetables, how to, healthyrecipe, nian's cooking diary,


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